Facility Identifier:
Facility Reporting Year:2023
Facility Location:
Address: 2582 COUNTY ROAD 355
State: TX
Postal Code: 79323

Facility Site Details:
CO2 equivalent emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):137,043.6
CO2 equivalent emissions from supplier subparts LL-QQ (metric tons):
Biogenic CO2 emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):0
Cogeneration Unit Emissions Indicator:N
GHG Report Start Date:2023-01-01
GHG Report End Date:2023-12-31
Description of Changes to Calculation Methodology:
Plant Code Indicator:N
Primary NAICS Code:211120
Second Primary NAICS Code:

Parent Company Details:
Address:5 Greenway Plaza, Suite 110, Houston,  TX 77046
Percent Ownership Interest:86.1
Parent Company Name:DEVON ENERGY CORP
Address:333 West Sheridan Avenue, Oklahoma City,  OK 73102
Percent Ownership Interest:12
Parent Company Name:CHEVRON CORP
Address:6001 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon,  CA 94583
Percent Ownership Interest:1.9

Subpart C: General Stationary Fuel Combustion

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity134,261.4 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameBiogenic Carbon dioxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity2.53 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity0.253 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Unit Details:
Unit Name : GP-Wasson
Unit Description :
Small Unit Aggregation Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: Y
Highest Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 235
Cumulative Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 385

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)
Annual Fossil fuel based CO2 Emissions: 134566.6 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2023-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2023-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Semiannually

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
134261.1 (Metric Tons) 2.53 (Metric Tons) 0.253 (Metric Tons) 63.3 (Metric Tons) 75.4 (Metric Tons)

Fuel : Distillate Fuel Oil No. 1
Tier Name : Tier 1 (Equation C-1)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2023-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2023-12-31

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
0.3 (Metric Tons) 0.00 (Metric Tons) 0.000 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons)

Subpart W: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity2,268.5 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity14.99 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity0.001 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Industry Segment Number3
Industry Segment NameOnshore natural gas processing [98.230(a)(3)]
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)2268.5
Total CO2e Emissions (mt CO2e)2643.6
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)14.99
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.001

Source Reporting FormOnshore Production [98.236(aa)(1)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Source Reporting FormFacility Overview [98.236(aa)(2-11)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Source Reporting FormNatural Gas Pneumatic Devices [98.236(b)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Source Reporting FormNatural Gas Driven Pneumatic Pumps [98.236(c)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Source Reporting FormAcid Gas Removal Units [98.236(d)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Source Reporting FormDehydrators [98.236(e)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormWell Venting for Liquids Unloading [98.236(f)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Source Reporting FormCompletions and Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing [98.236(g)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormCompletions and Workovers without Hydraulic Fracturing [98.236(h)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormBlowdown Vent Stacks [98.236(i)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)351.1
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)4.87
Source Reporting FormAtmospheric Storage Tanks [98.236(j)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormTransmission Storage Tanks [98.236(k)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormWell Testing [98.236(l)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormAssociated Gas Venting and Flaring [98.236(m)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormFlare Stacks [98.236(n)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)1311.6
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)1.71
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.001
Source Reporting FormCentrifugal Compressors [98.236(o)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Source Reporting FormReciprocating Compressors [98.236(p)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)461.2
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)6.40
Source Reporting FormEquipment Leaks Surveys and Population Counts [98.236(q,r)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)144.6
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)2.01
Source Reporting FormOffshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production [98.236(s)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormEnhanced Oil Recovery Injection Pumps [98.236(w)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Source Reporting FormEnhanced Oil Recovery Hydrocarbon Liquids [98.236(x)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Source Reporting FormCombustion Equipment at Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Facilities, Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting Facilities, and Natural gas Distribution Facilities [98.236(z)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000


Average mole fraction of CH4 in natural gas received [98.236(aa)(3)(v)]0.03479
Average mole fraction of CO2 in natural gas received [98.236(aa)(3)(vi)]0.91512
Does the facility fractionate NGLs? [98.236(aa)(3)(vii)]No

mt CO20.0
Did the Facility have any acid gas removal units that vent directly to the atmosphere, to a flare or engine, or to a sulfur recovery plant subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(d)]?No

mt CO20.0
mt CH40.00
mt N2O0.000
Did the facility have any glycol dehydrators with annual average daily natural gas throughputs greater than or equal to 0.4MMscfd subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(e)]?Yes
Did the facility have any glycol dehydrators with annual average daily natural gas throughputs less than 0.4MMscfd subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(e)]?No
Did the facility have any desiccant dehydrators subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(e)]?No
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No

Emissions vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes
Emissions that were not vented to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes

Emissions vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes
Emissions that were not vented to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes

Unit ID or Name [98.236(e)(1)(i)]6'-6" (Dehy-1)
Glycol dehydrator feed natural gas flow rate determined by engineering estimate based on best available data (MMscfd) [98.236(e)(1)(ii)]15.9000763
Dehydrator feed natural gas water content (pounds per MMscf) [98.236(e)(1)(iii)]60.62
Dehydrator outlet natural gas water content (pounds per MMscf) [98.236(e)(1)(iv)]2
Glycol dehydrator absorbent circulation pump type [98.236(e)(1)(v)]Electric
Dehydrator absorbent circulation rate (gallons per minute) [98.236(e)(1)(vi)]12.7107439
Report type of absorbent used [98.236(e)(1)(vii)]Triethylene glycol (TEG)
Report whether stripper gas is used in glycol dehydrator [98.236(e)(1)(viii)]No
Report whether a flash tank separator is used in glycol dehydrator [98.236(e)(1)(ix)]Yes
Total time the glycol dehydrator is operating (hours) [98.236(e)(1)(x)]8760
Temperature of the wet natural gas (°F) [98.236(e)(1)(xi)]78.7395939
Pressure of the wet natural gas (psig) [98.236(e)(1)(xii)]474.2598175
Concentration of CO2 in wet natural gas (mole fraction) [98.236(e)(1)(xiv)]0.9184
Concentration of CH4 in wet natural gas (mole fraction) [98.236(e)(1)(xiii)]0.03267
Were any dehydrator emissions vented to a vapor recovery device? [98.236(e)(1)(xv)]Yes
Were any dehydrator emissions vented to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes? [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)]No
Were any dehydrator emissions vented to the atmosphere without being routed to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes? [98.236(e)(1)(xvii)]No

mt CO2351.1
mt CH44.87
Did the facility have any blowdown vent stacks subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(i)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No
How were emissions determined? [98.236(i)]Using flow meters

Annual total CO2 emissions calculated by flow meter (mt CO2) [98.236(i)(2)(i)]351.1264299
Annual total CH4 emissions calculated by flow meter (mt CH4) [98.236(i)(2)(ii)]4.872543

mt CO21311.6
mt CH41.71
mt N2O0.001
Did the facility have flare stacks subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(n)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No

Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]CLOSED DRAIN SYSTEM
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]1207000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.03479
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.91512
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]60.3464897
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.0161247
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0000186
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]CLOSED DRAIN SYSTEM
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]24000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.03479
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.91512
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]1.1999302
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.0003206
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0000004
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]NPO
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]3006800
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.034561
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.9067786
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]149.0049887
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.0399103
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0000485
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]PROPANE CHILLER VENT
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]2100310
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.00151
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]3.4905877
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0004964
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]PV102
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]17772050
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.032999
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.8498964
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]835.1057291
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.2270025
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0003641
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]PV141A
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]1625290
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.0299104
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.7374133
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]65.9537644
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.0187285
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.000051
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]PV303
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]25000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.04897
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.88117
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]1.2234051
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.0004701
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0000004
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]PV402
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]186000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.30721
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.55059
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]8.3397594
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.0219422
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0000071
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]PV447
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]3284000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.96622
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.00058
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]163.7020522
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]1.2184575
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0003261
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]SPIKES
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]613700
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.7110127
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.0196581
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]22.9156526
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.165682
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0000573
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]V10-1001
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]180000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.00045
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.00676
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]0.3447113
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.0000311
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0000456
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]V10-2702
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]No
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]150
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.03479
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.91512
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]0.0074996
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.000002
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0

mt CO20.0
mt CH40.00
Did the facility have any centrifugal compressors subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(o)]?No

mt CO2461.2
mt CH46.40
Did the facility have any reciprocating compressors subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(p)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]Yes

Unique Name or ID for leak or ventE4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2_BD
ParametersMeasured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour)
Measurement FrequencyAnnually
Procedures used [98.235(h)]This compressor was not measured in 2023. OXY used calculated emissions factors to calcuated emissions from this compressor vent during the reporting year.
Unique Name or ID for leak or ventE4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2_IV
ParametersMeasured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour)
Measurement FrequencyAnnually
Procedures used [98.235(h)]This compressor was not measured in 2023. OXY used calculated emissions factors to calcuated emissions from this compressor vent during the reporting year.
Unique Name or ID for leak or ventE4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2_RP
ParametersMeasured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour)
Measurement FrequencyAnnually
Procedures used [98.235(h)]This compressor was not measured in 2023. OXY used calculated emissions factors to calcuated emissions from this compressor vent during the reporting year.

Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]6064
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]2696
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]6500
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]No
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8300
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]460
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]6500
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]No
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8498
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]262
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]6500
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]No
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]7620
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]1140
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]6500
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]No
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]7871
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]889
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]No
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]Yes
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]900
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]0
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]8760
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]No
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]Yes
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]900
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]1758
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]7002
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]900
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]No
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]5139
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]3621
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]No
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]Yes
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]200
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]1830
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]6930
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]No
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]200
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]No

Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_BD
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_IV
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_RP
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_BD
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_IV
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_RP
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_BD
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_IV
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_RP
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_BD
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_IV
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_RP
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3_BD
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3_IV
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3_RP
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2_BD
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2_IV
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2_RP
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_BD
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_IV
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_RP
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1_BD
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1_IV
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1_RP
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2_BD
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2_IV
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2_RP

Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_BD
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Acoustic leak detection
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_BD
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_RP
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Temporary meter
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]43.37856
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_RP
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_BD
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Acoustic leak detection
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_BD
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_RP
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Temporary meter
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]305.17608
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_RP
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_BD
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Acoustic leak detection
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_BD
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_RP
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Temporary meter
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]232.78824
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_RP
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_BD
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Acoustic leak detection
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_BD
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_RP
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Temporary meter
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]16.6638
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_RP
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3_IV
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Temporary meter
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]414.07008
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Not-operating mode”E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3_IV
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2_IV
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Temporary meter
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]323.17668
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Not-operating mode”E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2_IV
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_BD
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_BD
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_RP
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_RP
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1_IV
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2023-08-29
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Acoustic leak detection
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Not-operating mode”E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1_IV

Compressor Mode [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Operating
Compressor Source [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Blowdown valve
Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(B)]0
Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)]24
Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter's applicable facilities? [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(D)]Facility-specific
Compressor Mode [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Operating
Compressor Source [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Rod packing
Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(B)]41.7150975
Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)]24
Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter's applicable facilities? [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(D)]Facility-specific
Compressor Mode [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Standby-pressurized
Compressor Source [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Blowdown valve
Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(B)]0
Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)]24
Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter's applicable facilities? [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(D)]Facility-specific
Compressor Mode [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Not-operating-depressurized
Compressor Source [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Isolation valve
Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(B)]46.632165
Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)]24
Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter's applicable facilities? [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(D)]Facility-specific

Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_BD
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_IV
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]6.0515867
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.0839771
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-4 Inlet Comp. 4_RP
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]12.6618777
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.1757074
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_BD
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_IV
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]1.0325408
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.0143284
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-3 Inlet Comp. 3_RP
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]121.9248904
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]1.6919372
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_BD
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_IV
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.5880993
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.008161
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-2 Inlet Comp. 2_RP
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]95.2229331
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]1.3213973
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_BD
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_IV
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]2.5589053
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.0355096
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-301-1 Inlet Comp. 1_RP
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]6.1121332
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.0848173
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3_BD
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3_IV
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]17.7190079
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.2458846
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-3 CO2 Comp. 3_RP
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]15.8047258
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.2193203
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2_BD
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2_IV
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]136.2724024
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]1.8910359
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-2 CO2 Comp. 2_RP
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_BD
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_IV
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]15.717066
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.2181039
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-304-1 CO2 Comp. 1_RP
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1_BD
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1_IV
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4M-302-1 Lo/Cat Flash Comp. 1_RP
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]10.3189539
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.1431949
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2_BD
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2_IV
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]15.5554509
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.2158611
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]E4-302-2 LO-CAT FLASH BOOSTER COMP 2_RP
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]3.6745837
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.0509918

mt CO2144.6
mt CH42.01
Did this facility use leak surveys to calculate emissions from equipment leaks in accordance with 98.232 [per 98.236(q)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No
Number of complete equipment leak surveys performed during the calendar year [98.236(q)(1)(i)]1
Optical gas imaging instrument as specified in §60.18 [98.234(a)(1)]Yes
Method 21 [98.234(a)(2)]No
Infrared laser beam illuminated instrument [98.234(a)(3)]No
Acoustic leak detection device [98.234(a)(5)]Yes
Optical gas imaging instrument as specified in §60.5397a [98.234(a)(6)]No
Method 21 as specified in §60.5397a [98.234(a)(7)]No

Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Valve
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]8
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8760
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]50.0601083
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0.6946782
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Connector
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]37
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8760
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]87.2130408
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]1.210245
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Open-ended Line
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]1
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8760
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]7.2821603
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0.1010537
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Pressure Relief Valve
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Meter
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service - Valve
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service - Connector
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service - Open-ended Line
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor components, Gas Service - Pressure Relief Valve
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor components, Gas Service - Meter
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0