Source Reporting Form | Onshore Production [98.236(aa)(1)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Source Reporting Form | Facility Overview [98.236(aa)(2-11)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | Yes |
Source Reporting Form | Natural Gas Pneumatic Devices [98.236(b)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Source Reporting Form | Natural Gas Driven Pneumatic Pumps [98.236(c)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Source Reporting Form | Acid Gas Removal Units [98.236(d)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Source Reporting Form | Dehydrators [98.236(e)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Well Venting for Liquids Unloading [98.236(f)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Source Reporting Form | Completions and Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing [98.236(g)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Completions and Workovers without Hydraulic Fracturing [98.236(h)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Blowdown Vent Stacks [98.236(i)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Source Reporting Form | Atmospheric Storage Tanks [98.236(j)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Transmission Storage Tanks [98.236(k)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Well Testing [98.236(l)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Associated Gas Venting and Flaring [98.236(m)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Flare Stacks [98.236(n)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Centrifugal Compressors [98.236(o)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Reciprocating Compressors [98.236(p)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Equipment Leaks Surveys and Population Counts [98.236(q,r)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | Yes |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.5 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 16.37 |
Source Reporting Form | Offshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production [98.236(s)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
Source Reporting Form | Enhanced Oil Recovery Injection Pumps [98.236(w)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Source Reporting Form | Enhanced Oil Recovery Hydrocarbon Liquids [98.236(x)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | No |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Source Reporting Form | Combustion Equipment at Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Facilities, Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting Facilities, and Natural gas Distribution Facilities [98.236(z)] |
Required for Selected Industry Segment | Yes |
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) | 0.0 |
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) | 0.00 |
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O) | 0.000 |
mt CO2 | 0.5 |
mt CH4 | 16.37 |
Did this facility use leak surveys to calculate emissions from equipment leaks in accordance with 98.232 [per 98.236(q)]? | Yes |
Did this facility use population counts to calculate emissions from equipment leaks in accordance with 98.232 [per 98.236(r)]? | Yes |
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235] | No |
Number of complete equipment leak surveys performed during the calendar year [98.236(q)(1)(i)] | 1 |
For Natural gas distribution facilities conducting multi-year surveys, number of years in the leak survey cycle [98.236(q)(1)(ii)] | 3 |
Optical gas imaging instrument as specified in §60.18 [98.234(a)(1)] | No |
Method 21 [98.234(a)(2)] | No |
Infrared laser beam illuminated instrument [98.234(a)(3)] | Yes |
Acoustic leak detection device [98.234(a)(5)] | Yes |
Optical gas imaging instrument as specified in §60.5397a [98.234(a)(6)] | No |
Total number of above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in the calendar year [98.236(q)(3)(i)] | 0 |
Number of meter/regulator runs at above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in the calendar year, CountMR,y [98.236(q)(3)(ii)] | 0 |
Average time meter/regulator runs surveyed in calendar year were operational, Average of calendar year Tw,y (hours) [98.236(q)(3)(iii)] | 0 |
Number of above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in current leak survey cycle [98.236(q)(3)(iv)] | 0 |
Number of meter/regulator runs at above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in current leak survey cycle, Sum of CountMR,y [98.236(q)(3)(v)] | 0 |
Average time that meter/regulator runs surveyed in the current leak survey cycle were operational, Average of current survey Tw,y (hours) [98.236(q)(3)(vi)] | 0 |
Meter/regulator run CO2 emission factor based on all surveyed T-D transfer stations in current leak cycle, Average of current survey EFS,MR,i (standard cubic feet per operational hour of all meter/regulator runs) [98.236(q)(3)(vii)] | 0 |
Meter/regulator run CH4 emission factor based on all surveyed T-D transfer stations in current leak cycle, Average of current survey EFS,MR,i (standard cubic feet per operational hour of all meter/regulator runs) [98.236(q)(3)(viii)] | 0 |
Does the facility perform equipment leak surveys across a multiple year leak survey cycle (Yes/No) [98.236(q)(3)(ix)] | No |
Number of above grade T-D transfer stations at the facility [98.236(r)(2)(i)] | 0 |
Number of above grade metering-regulating stations that are not T-D transfer stations [98.236(r)(2)(ii)] | 8 |
Total number of meter/regulator runs at above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations, CountMR [98.236(r)(2)(iii)] | 8 |
Average estimated time that each meter/regulator run at above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations was operational in the calendar year, Tw,avg (hours) [98.236(r)(2)(iv)] | 8760 |
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)] | Transmission-Distribution Transfer Station Components, Gas Service - Connector |
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)] | 0 |
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)] | 0 |
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)] | Transmission-Distribution Transfer Station Components, Gas Service - Block Valve |
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)] | 0 |
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)] | 0 |
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)] | Transmission-Distribution Transfer Station Components, Gas Service - Control Valve |
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)] | 0 |
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)] | 0 |
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)] | Transmission-Distribution Transfer Station Components, Gas Service - Pressure Relief Valve |
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)] | 0 |
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)] | 0 |
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)] | Transmission-Distribution Transfer Station Components, Gas Service - Orifice Meter |
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)] | 0 |
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)] | 0 |
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)] | Transmission-Distribution Transfer Station Components, Gas Service - Regulator |
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)] | 0 |
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)] | 0 |
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)] | Transmission-Distribution Transfer Station Components, Gas Service - Open-ended line |
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)] | 0 |
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Below Grade T-D Station, Gas Service, Inlet Pressure > 300 psig |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Below Grade T-D Station, Gas Service, Inlet Pressure 100 to 300 psig |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Below Grade T-D Station, Gas Service, Inlet Pressure < 100 psig |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Below Grade M-R Station, Gas Service, Inlet Pressure > 300 psig |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Below Grade M-R Station, Gas Service, Inlet Pressure 100 to 300 psig |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Below Grade M-R Station, Gas Service, Inlet Pressure < 100 psig |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Distribution Mains, Gas Service - Unprotected Steel |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Distribution Mains, Gas Service - Protected Steel |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 53 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 8760 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0.1 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 3.12 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Distribution Mains, Gas Service - Plastic |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 24 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 8760 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0.1 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 4.56 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Distribution Mains, Gas Service - Cast Iron |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Distribution Services, Gas Service - Unprotected Steel |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Distribution Services, Gas Service - Protected Steel |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 2545 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 8760 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0.3 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 8.56 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Distribution Services, Gas Service - Plastic |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 747 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 8760 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0.13 |
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232] [98.233(r)(1)] | Distribution Services, Gas Service - Copper |
Total number of emission source type, Counte [98.236(r)(1)(ii)] | 0 |
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)] | 0 |
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)] | 0 |
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)] | 0 |