Facility Name:Hilcorp Alaska, LLC 890 Basin, G&B
Facility Identifier:
Facility Reporting Year:2020
Facility Location:
Address: 70.458965/-149.441567
City: Prudhoe Bay
State: AK
Postal Code: 99734

Facility Site Details:
CO2 equivalent emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):221,994.5
CO2 equivalent emissions from supplier subparts LL-QQ (metric tons):
Biogenic CO2 emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):0
Cogeneration Unit Emissions Indicator:N
GHG Report Start Date:2020-01-01
GHG Report End Date:2020-12-31
Description of Changes to Calculation Methodology:
Plant Code Indicator:N
Primary NAICS Code:211120
Second Primary NAICS Code:211130

Parent Company Details:
Parent Company Name:HILCORP ENERGY CO
Address:1111 Travis St, Houston,  TX 77002
Percent Ownership Interest:100

Subpart W: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity220,739.6 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity45.14 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity0.424 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Industry Segment Number9
Industry Segment NameOnshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting [98.230(a)(9)]
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)220739.6
Total CO2e Emissions (mt CO2e)221994.6
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)45.14
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.424

Source Reporting FormOnshore Production [98.236(aa)(1)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Source Reporting FormFacility Overview [98.236(aa)(2-11)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Source Reporting FormNatural Gas Pneumatic Devices [98.236(b)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Source Reporting FormNatural Gas Driven Pneumatic Pumps [98.236(c)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Source Reporting FormAcid Gas Removal Units [98.236(d)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Source Reporting FormDehydrators [98.236(e)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)415.3
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)1.89
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.001
Source Reporting FormWell Venting for Liquids Unloading [98.236(f)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Source Reporting FormCompletions and Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing [98.236(g)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormCompletions and Workovers without Hydraulic Fracturing [98.236(h)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormBlowdown Vent Stacks [98.236(i)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Source Reporting FormAtmospheric Storage Tanks [98.236(j)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormTransmission Storage Tanks [98.236(k)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormWell Testing [98.236(l)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormAssociated Gas Venting and Flaring [98.236(m)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormFlare Stacks [98.236(n)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)4518.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)28.04
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.010
Source Reporting FormCentrifugal Compressors [98.236(o)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Source Reporting FormReciprocating Compressors [98.236(p)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.1
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.73
Source Reporting FormEquipment Leaks Surveys and Population Counts [98.236(q,r)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.4
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)10.40
Source Reporting FormOffshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production [98.236(s)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0.00
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.000
Source Reporting FormEnhanced Oil Recovery Injection Pumps [98.236(w)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Source Reporting FormEnhanced Oil Recovery Hydrocarbon Liquids [98.236(x)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.0
Source Reporting FormCombustion Equipment at Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Facilities, Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting Facilities, and Natural gas Distribution Facilities [98.236(z)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)215805.9
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)4.09
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.414


Select the basin associated with this facility [98.236(a)(9)]890 - Arctic Coastal Plains Province
Quantity of gas received by the gathering and boosting facility in the calendar year (thousand standard cubic feet) [98.236(aa)(10)(i)]6671255
Quantity of gas transported to a natural gas processing facility, a natural gas transmission pipeline, a natural gas distribution pipeline, or another gathering and boosting facility in the calendar year (thousand standard cubic feet) [98.236(aa)(10)(ii)]0
Quantity of all hydrocarbon liquids received by the gathering and boosting facility in the calendar year (barrels) [98.236(aa)(10)(iii)]12162668
Quantity of all hydrocarbon liquids transported to a natural gas processing facility, a natural gas transmission pipeline, a natural gas distribution pipeline, or another gathering and boosting facility in the calendar year (barrels) [98.236(aa)(10)(iv)]0

mt CO20.0
mt CH40.00
Did the Facility have any continuous high-bleed pneumatic devices subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(b)]?No
Did the Facility have any intermittent bleed pneumatic devices subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(b)]?No
Did the Facility have any continuous low-bleed pneumatic devices subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(b)]?No

Type of Pneumatic DeviceHigh-bleed Pneumatic Devices
Type of Pneumatic DeviceIntermittent Bleed Pneumatic Devices
Type of Pneumatic DeviceLow-Bleed Pneumatic Devices

mt CO20.0
mt CH40.00
Did the Facility have any natural gas driven pneumatic pumps subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(c)]?No

Type of Pneumatic PumpNatural Gas Driven Pneumatic Pumps

mt CO20.0
Did the Facility have any acid gas removal units that vent directly to the atmosphere, to a flare or engine, or to a sulfur recovery plant subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(d)]?No

mt CO2415.3
mt CH41.89
mt N2O0.001
Did the facility have any glycol dehydrators with annual average daily natural gas throughputs greater than or equal to 0.4MMscfd subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(e)]?Yes
Did the facility have any glycol dehydrators with annual average daily natural gas throughputs less than 0.4MMscfd subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(e)]?No
Did the facility have any desiccant dehydrators subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(e)]?No
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No

Emissions vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes
Emissions that were not vented to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes

Emissions vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes
Emissions that were not vented to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes

Unit ID or Name [98.236(e)(1)(i)]MPU CFP Dehy
County and State [98.236(e)(1)(xviii)]BEECHEY POINT, AK
Glycol dehydrator feed natural gas flow rate determined by engineering estimate based on best available data (MMscfd) [98.236(e)(1)(ii)]18.277411
Dehydrator feed natural gas water content (pounds per MMscf) [98.236(e)(1)(iii)]37.01
Dehydrator outlet natural gas water content (pounds per MMscf) [98.236(e)(1)(iv)]4
Glycol dehydrator absorbent circulation pump type [98.236(e)(1)(v)]Electric/Pneumatic
Dehydrator absorbent circulation rate (gallons per minute) [98.236(e)(1)(vi)]3.33
Report type of absorbent used [98.236(e)(1)(vii)]Triethylene glycol (TEG)
Report whether stripper gas is used in glycol dehydrator [98.236(e)(1)(viii)]Yes
Report whether a flash tank separator is used in glycol dehydrator [98.236(e)(1)(ix)]Yes
Total time the glycol dehydrator is operating (hours) [98.236(e)(1)(x)]8747.2
Temperature of the wet natural gas (°F) [98.236(e)(1)(xi)]90
Pressure of the wet natural gas (psig) [98.236(e)(1)(xii)]1300
Concentration of CO2 in wet natural gas (mole fraction) [98.236(e)(1)(xiv)]0.01385
Concentration of CH4 in wet natural gas (mole fraction) [98.236(e)(1)(xiii)]0.90035
Were any dehydrator emissions vented to a vapor recovery device? [98.236(e)(1)(xv)]No
Were any dehydrator emissions vented to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes? [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)]Yes
CO2 Emissions from Flares or Regenerators (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)(A)]415.2946228
CH4 Emissions from Flares or Regenerators (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)(B)]1.8884782
N2O Emissions from Flares or Regenerators (mt N2O) [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)(C)]0.0007972
Were any dehydrator emissions vented to the atmosphere without being routed to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes? [98.236(e)(1)(xvii)]No

mt CO20.0
mt CH40.00
Did the facility have any blowdown vent stacks subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(i)]?No

mt CO20.0
mt CH40.00
mt N2O0.000
Did the facility send hydrocarbon liquids to atmospheric storage tanks that are subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(j)]?No
Was Calculation Method 1 used to calculate emissions [(98.233(j)(1)]?No
Was Calculation Method 2 used to calculate emissions [(98.233(j)(2)]?No
Was Calculation Method 3 used to calculate emissions [(98.233(j)(3)]?No
If Calculation Method 1 or 2 were used, were any atmospheric tanks observed to have malfunctioning dump valves during the calendar year?No

mt CO24518.0
mt CH428.04
mt N2O0.010
Did the facility have flare stacks subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(n)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No

Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]18
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]Yes
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]84129719.1666667
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.9083984
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.0147205
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]4424.6969205
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]27.4580712
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0095928
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]18a
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]Yes
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]1638020.8333333
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.92058
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.01136
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]93.3094612
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.5790448
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.0002023

mt CO20.0
mt CH40.00
Did the facility have any centrifugal compressors subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(o)]?No

mt CO20.1
mt CH40.73
Did the facility have any reciprocating compressors subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(p)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No
Total annual Reciprocating Compressor emissions CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(5)(ii)]0.1108808
Total annual Reciprocating Compressor emissions CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(5)(iii)]0.728064
Count of Reciprocating Compressors [98.236(p)(5)(i)]4

mt CO20.4
mt CH410.40
Did this facility use leak surveys to calculate emissions from equipment leaks in accordance with 98.232 [per 98.236(q)]?No
Did this facility use population counts to calculate emissions from equipment leaks in accordance with 98.232 [per 98.236(r)]?Yes
Did the facility elect to comply with 98.236(q) according to 98.233(q)(1)(iv) for any components at the facility [per 98.236(q)(1)(iv)]?No
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No
Component count calculation method for all emission source types in Table R.1 other than gathering pipelines [98.236(r)(3)(i)]Component Count Method 1

Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232(c)(21)] [98.233(r)]Gas Service - Valves
Geographic Location (according to Table W-1D) [98.236(r)(1)(i)]Western U.S.
Total number of emission source type, Counte (for gathering pipelines, this value is the number of miles of pipeline per material type) [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]372
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]0.236257
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)]6.9884909
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232(c)(21)] [98.233(r)]Gas Service - Connectors
Geographic Location (according to Table W-1D) [98.236(r)(1)(i)]Western U.S.
Total number of emission source type, Counte (for gathering pipelines, this value is the number of miles of pipeline per material type) [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]1010
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]0.0901211
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)]2.6657866
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232(c)(21)] [98.233(r)]Gas Service - Open ended lines
Geographic Location (according to Table W-1D) [98.236(r)(1)(i)]Western U.S.
Total number of emission source type, Counte (for gathering pipelines, this value is the number of miles of pipeline per material type) [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]18
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]0.0029288
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)]0.0866342
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232(c)(21)] [98.233(r)]Gas Service - Pressure relief valves
Geographic Location (according to Table W-1D) [98.236(r)(1)(i)]Western U.S.
Total number of emission source type, Counte (for gathering pipelines, this value is the number of miles of pipeline per material type) [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]22
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]0.0222862
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)]0.6592271
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232(c)(21)] [98.233(r)]Gathering pipelines - Protected steel gathering pipeline
Geographic Location (according to Table W-1D) [98.236(r)(1)(i)]Western U.S.
Total number of emission source type, Counte (for gathering pipelines, this value is the number of miles of pipeline per material type) [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]0
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)]0
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232(c)(21)] [98.233(r)]Gathering pipelines - Unprotected steel gathering pipeline
Geographic Location (according to Table W-1D) [98.236(r)(1)(i)]Western U.S.
Total number of emission source type, Counte (for gathering pipelines, this value is the number of miles of pipeline per material type) [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]0
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)]0
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232(c)(21)] [98.233(r)]Gathering pipelines - Plastic/composite gathering pipeline
Geographic Location (according to Table W-1D) [98.236(r)(1)(i)]Western U.S.
Total number of emission source type, Counte (for gathering pipelines, this value is the number of miles of pipeline per material type) [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]0
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)]0
Emission Source Type (Eq. W-32A) [98.232(c)(21)] [98.233(r)]Gathering pipelines - Cast iron gathering pipeline
Geographic Location (according to Table W-1D) [98.236(r)(1)(i)]Western U.S.
Total number of emission source type, Counte (for gathering pipelines, this value is the number of miles of pipeline per material type) [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]0
Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year, Te (hours) [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]0
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(r)(1)(v)]0

Major Equipment Type [98.236(r)(3)(ii)]Wellhead
Equipment type present at facility? [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(A)]No
Major Equipment Type [98.236(r)(3)(ii)]Separators
Equipment type present at facility? [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(A)]No
Major Equipment Type [98.236(r)(3)(ii)]Meters/piping
Equipment type present at facility? [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(A)]Yes
Count of Major Equipment Type in Western US [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(B)]4
Major Equipment Type [98.236(r)(3)(ii)]Compressors
Equipment type present at facility? [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(A)]Yes
Count of Major Equipment Type in Western US [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(B)]4
Major Equipment Type [98.236(r)(3)(ii)]In-line heaters
Equipment type present at facility? [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(A)]No
Major Equipment Type [98.236(r)(3)(ii)]Dehydrators
Equipment type present at facility? [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(A)]Yes
Count of Major Equipment Type in Western US [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(B)]1

mt CO2215805.9
mt CH44.09
mt N2O0.414
Did the Facility have combustion units subject to reporting under 98.232?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No
Are there external fuel combustion units with a rated heat capacity less than or equal to 5 mmBtu/hr? [98.236(z)(1)(i)]No
Are there internal fuel combustion units that are not compressor-drivers, with a rated heat capacity less than or equal to 1 mmBtu/hr? [98.236(z)(1)(i)]No
Are there external fuel combustion units with a rated heat capacity greater than 5 mmBtu/hr? [98.236(z)(2)(i)]Yes
Are there internal fuel combustion units that are not compressor-drivers, with a rated heat capacity greater than 1 mmBtu/hr? [98.236(z)(2)(i)]Yes
Are there Internal fuel combustion units of any heat capacity that are compressor-drivers? [98.236(z)(2)(i)]No

Type of combustion unit [98.236(z)(2)(i)]Internal fuel combustion units that are not compressor-drivers, with a rated heat capacity greater than 1 mmBtu/hr
Type of fuel combusted [98.236(z)(2)(ii)]Natural gas (pipeline quality)
Quantity of fuel combusted in calendar year [98.236(z)(2)(iii)]3134650.4483431
Unit of measure [98.236(z)(2)(iii)thousand standard cubic feet
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(z)(2)(iv)]170648.9911616
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(z)(2)(v)]3.2161514
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(z)(2)(vi)]0.3216151
Type of combustion unit [98.236(z)(2)(i)]External fuel combustion units with a rated heat capacity greater than 5 mmBtu/hr
Type of fuel combusted [98.236(z)(2)(ii)]Natural gas (pipeline quality)
Quantity of fuel combusted in calendar year [98.236(z)(2)(iii)]809396.5354386
Unit of measure [98.236(z)(2)(iii)thousand standard cubic feet
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(z)(2)(iv)]44063.1912548
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(z)(2)(v)]0.8304408
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(z)(2)(vi)]0.0830441
Type of combustion unit [98.236(z)(2)(i)]External fuel combustion units with a rated heat capacity greater than 5 mmBtu/hr
Type of fuel combusted [98.236(z)(2)(ii)]Petroleum products: distillate fuel oil No. 2
Quantity of fuel combusted in calendar year [98.236(z)(2)(iii)]5497.3913043
Unit of measure [98.236(z)(2)(iii)gallons
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(z)(2)(iv)]56.1090144
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(z)(2)(v)]0.0022759
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(z)(2)(vi)]0.0004552
Type of combustion unit [98.236(z)(2)(i)]Internal fuel combustion units that are not compressor-drivers, with a rated heat capacity greater than 1 mmBtu/hr
Type of fuel combusted [98.236(z)(2)(ii)]Petroleum products: distillate fuel oil No. 2
Quantity of fuel combusted in calendar year [98.236(z)(2)(iii)]101656.9406449
Unit of measure [98.236(z)(2)(iii)gallons
CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(z)(2)(iv)]1037.5595316
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(z)(2)(v)]0.042086
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(z)(2)(vi)]0.0084172