Facility Name:ExxonMobil Fuels & Lubricants Company Billings Refinery
Facility Identifier:
Facility Reporting Year:2020
Facility Location:
Address: 700 ExxonMobil Road
City: Billings
State: MT
Postal Code: 59103

Facility Site Details:
CO2 equivalent emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):661,227.3
CO2 equivalent emissions from supplier subparts LL-QQ (metric tons):
Biogenic CO2 emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):0
Cogeneration Unit Emissions Indicator:N
GHG Report Start Date:2020-01-01
GHG Report End Date:2020-12-31
Description of Changes to Calculation Methodology:
Plant Code Indicator:N
Primary NAICS Code:324110
Second Primary NAICS Code:

Parent Company Details:
Parent Company Name:EXXON MOBIL CORP
Address:5959 Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving,  TX 75039
Percent Ownership Interest:100

Subpart C: General Stationary Fuel Combustion

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity337,811 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameBiogenic Carbon dioxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity19.98 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity3.974 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Unit Details:
Unit Name : GP-1
Unit Type : OCS (Other combustion source)
Unit Description :
Other Unit Name :
Small Unit Aggregation Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: Y
Highest Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 0.015
Cumulative Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity:

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)
Annual Fossil fuel based CO2 Emissions: 14.5 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)
Tier Name : Tier 1 (Equation C-1)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
14.5 Y (Metric Tons) 0 Y (Metric Tons) 0 Y (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons)

Unit Name : GP-2
Unit Type : OCS (Other combustion source)
Unit Description :
Other Unit Name :
Small Unit Aggregation Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: Y
Highest Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 0.03
Cumulative Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity:

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)
Annual Fossil fuel based CO2 Emissions: 107.1 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Motor Gasoline
Tier Name : Tier 1 (Equation C-1)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
107.1 Y (Metric Tons) 0 Y (Metric Tons) 0.001 Y (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons) 0.3 (Metric Tons)

Unit Name : GP-3
Unit Type : OCS (Other combustion source)
Unit Description :
Other Unit Name :
Small Unit Aggregation Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: Y
Highest Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 3.5
Cumulative Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity:

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)
Annual Fossil fuel based CO2 Emissions: 7536 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Distillate Fuel Oil No. 2
Tier Name : Tier 1 (Equation C-1)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
7536 Y (Metric Tons) 0.3 Y (Metric Tons) 0.061 Y (Metric Tons) 7.5 (Metric Tons) 18.2 (Metric Tons)

Unit Name : CP-1
Unit Type : OCS (Other combustion source)
Unit Description :
Other Unit Name :
Common Pipe Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: Y
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 170
Cumulative Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 170

Emission Details:
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)
Annual Fossil fuel based CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Fuel Gas
Tier Name : Tier 1 (Equation C-1)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
0 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons)

Unit Name : CP-2
Unit Type : OCS (Other combustion source)
Unit Description :
Other Unit Name :
Common Pipe Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: Y
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 91
Cumulative Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 91

Emission Details:
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)
Annual Fossil fuel based CO2 Emissions: 13466.8 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Monthly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
13466.8 Y (Metric Tons) 0.25 Y (Metric Tons) 0.025 Y (Metric Tons) 6.3 (Metric Tons) 7.5 (Metric Tons)

Unit Name : CP-3
Unit Type : OCS (Other combustion source)
Unit Description :
Other Unit Name :
Common Pipe Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: Y
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 240
Cumulative Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 1007.66

Emission Details:
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)
Annual Fossil fuel based CO2 Emissions: 316537.7 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Fuel Gas
Tier Name : Tier 3 (Equation C-5, gaseous fuel)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
316537.7 Y (Metric Tons) 17.06 Y (Metric Tons) 3.413 Y (Metric Tons) 426.5 (Metric Tons) 1017.1 (Metric Tons)

Carbon Content Substitute Data Information :
Total number of valid carbon content determinations : 55
Total number of carbon content substitute data values : 1
Frequency of carbon content determinations : Weekly
Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage : 0

Molecular Weight Information :
Total number of valid molecular weight determinations : 55
Total number of molecular weight substitute data values : 1
Frequency of molecular weight determinations : Weekly
Molar Volume Constant (MVC) used : 849.5 (scf/kg-mole)

Unit Name : CP-4
Unit Type : OCS (Other combustion source)
Unit Description :
Other Unit Name :
Common Pipe Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: Y
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 240
Cumulative Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 410

Emission Details:
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)
Annual Fossil fuel based CO2 Emissions: 148.9 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Fuel Gas
Tier Name : Tier 3 (Equation C-5, gaseous fuel)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
148.9 Y (Metric Tons) 2.37 Y (Metric Tons) 0.474 Y (Metric Tons) 59.3 (Metric Tons) 141.3 (Metric Tons)

Carbon Content Substitute Data Information :
Total number of valid carbon content determinations : 32
Total number of carbon content substitute data values : 21
Frequency of carbon content determinations : Weekly
Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage : 96

Molecular Weight Information :
Total number of valid molecular weight determinations : 32
Total number of molecular weight substitute data values : 21
Frequency of molecular weight determinations : Weekly
Molar Volume Constant (MVC) used : 849.5 (scf/kg-mole)

Subpart P: Hydrogen Production

CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) Details

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity112,149.1 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameBiogenic Carbon dioxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Annual quantity of carbon, other than CO2, collected and transferred off site in either gas, liquid, or solid forms, excluding methanol: ()

No Cems Hydrogen Unit Details:
Unit Name: HYBL
Unit Type: Hydrogen production process unit
Unit Description:
CO2Emissions: 112149.1 (Metric Tons)
Annual Quantity of Hydrogen Produced: ()
Annual quantity of ammonia intentionally produced as a desired product, if applicable: ()
Annual quantity of methanol intentionally produced as a desired product, if applicable: ()
Fuel/FeedStock Details:
Feedstock name:
Fuel/FeedStock Type:
Annual Fuel/Feedstock Consumed: ()
Feedstock name:
Fuel/FeedStock Type:
Annual Fuel/Feedstock Consumed: ()

Subpart Y: Petroleum Refineries

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity206,155.7 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameBiogenic Carbon dioxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity123.27 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity1.161 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Flare Gas Details

Name or ID: Flare
Type: Flare
Is the flare serviced by a flare gas recovery system ? Y
Type of flare: Steam assisted
Other Flare type:

Flare service type: General facility flare
Other Flare service type:

Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane value: Default Value
Other Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane value:

Emissions Details
CO2 Emissions Calculation Method: 98.253(b)(1)(ii)(B) - Equation Y-2 Heat Content Monitored
NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions1184.9 (Metric Tons)N

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions3.58 (Metric Tons)Y

NameValueOwn Result?
N2OEmissions0.012 (Metric Tons)Y

Y2 Equation Details

Frequency of measurement data: Daily
Annual volume of flare gas combusted: 17.088337 MMscf
Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer: Digital Flow GE GF 868
Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted: 0
Conditions on which the annual volume of flare gas was determined: 68 degrees F and 14.7 psia
Annual average higher heating value of the flare gas combusted: 1196.298839 MMBtu/MMscf
Method used to determine the annual average higher heating value: Other (specify)
Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average higher heating value: 0
Conditions on which the annual average higher heating value was determined: 68 degrees F and 14.7 psia

Catalytic Cracking and Reforming Units

POFO (Description: Type: Catalytic Reforming Unit)

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions14.4 (Metric Tons)
Method used to calculate CO2 emissions:Equation Y-11 - 98.253(e)(3)
NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0 (Metric Tons)
Method used to calculate CH4 emissions:Equation Y-9 with a default emission factor
NameValueOwn Result?
N2OEmissions0 (Metric Tons)
Method used to calculate N2O emissions:Equation Y-10 with a default emission factor
Total number of regeneration cycles or measurement periods:
Average coke burn-off quantity per cycle or measurement period: (kg coke/cycle or kg coke/measurement period)

Coker (Description: Type: Traditional Fluid Coking Unit)

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions48019.7 (Metric Tons)
Method used to calculate CO2 emissions:Equation Y-6 and Y-7a - 98.253(c)(2)
NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions1.41 (Metric Tons)
Method used to calculate CH4 emissions:Equation Y-9 with a default emission factor
NameValueOwn Result?
N2OEmissions0.281 (Metric Tons)
Method used to calculate N2O emissions:Equation Y-10 with a default emission factor
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualAverageExhaustGasFlowRate ()
Manufacturer's method for annual average volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas:
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
PercentCO2 ()271
Manufacturer's method for annual average percent CO2 in exhaust gas stream:Exhaust gas composition monitors.
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
PercentCO ()271
Manufacturer's method for annual average percent CO in exhaust gas stream:Exhaust gas composition monitors.
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
PercentO2ExhaustGas ()99
Manufacturer's method for annual average percent O2 in exhaust gas stream:Exhaust gas composition monitors.
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
PercentO2Inlet ()

FCCU (Description: Type: Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit)

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions148133.6 (Metric Tons)
Method used to calculate CO2 emissions:Equation Y-6 and Y-7a - 98.253(c)(2)
NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions4.34 (Metric Tons)
Method used to calculate CH4 emissions:Equation Y-9 with a default emission factor
NameValueOwn Result?
N2OEmissions0.868 (Metric Tons)
Method used to calculate N2O emissions:Equation Y-10 with a default emission factor
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualAverageExhaustGasFlowRate ()
Manufacturer's method for annual average volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas:
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
PercentCO2 ()126
Manufacturer's method for annual average percent CO2 in exhaust gas stream:Exhaust gas composition monitors.
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
PercentCO ()127
Manufacturer's method for annual average percent CO in exhaust gas stream:Exhaust gas composition monitors.
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
PercentO2ExhaustGas ()130
Manufacturer's method for annual average percent O2 in exhaust gas stream:Exhaust gas composition monitors.
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
PercentO2Inlet ()

Sulfur Recovery Details

Sour Gas Details

is Sour Gas Stream Sent Off Site Indicator :Y

NameValueOwn Result?
CalculatedCO2Emissions8800.2 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlow ()0

Annual Volumetric Flow Method :Custody of transfer meters
Average Mole Fraction of Carbon in Sour Gas Method :

Process Vents Details

Unit Name:C641 KO
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.01 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged3645.36 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Knock-out pot
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time60.756


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.02 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.2 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:C725
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.01 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged6039 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Knock-out pot
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time8784


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.090143971 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:D588
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.01 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged6075.6 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Knock-out pot
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time60.756


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.02 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.1 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:D209
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.00 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged258.96 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Knock-out pot
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time4.316


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction1 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:FG Gravity Analyzer
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.13 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged18622.08 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Analyzer
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time8784


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.004993338 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.379296267 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:FL501
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged258.96 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:Oil scrubber
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time4.316


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.02 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.1 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:FL710
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged258.96 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time4.316


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.35 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:HYA101
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.12 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged17568 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Analyzer
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time8784


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.0024 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.3527 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:PFA200
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.09 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged61845.6 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Analyzer
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time8760


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.075511303 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:PFA201
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged56.502 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Analyzer
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time8760


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.0755 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:HYBL Venting
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions96 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged96317396.52 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time574


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.052918046 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:PFA210
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.09 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged61845.6 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time8760


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.075511303 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:HCBL Depressure
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.94 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged768801.7937 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time4


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.065 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:F-511 Decoke
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0.1 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged167228.8 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time8


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.0083125 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:SVH548
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.04 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged32690 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time1


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.065 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:T651
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.01 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged6298.617 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time1


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.065 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:SV71
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.07 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged17025 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time1


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.23 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:SV640
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.01 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged8892 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Engineering calculation
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time1


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.065 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:CRP003
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged1721.931 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Engineering calculation
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time1


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:F1
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions1.3 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged343438 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time2


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.074 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:F3
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0.9 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged180794 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time2


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.097 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:F551
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0.6 (Metric Tons)

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.09 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged293510 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time1


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.037 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.016 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:SV511
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.21 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged224775.8 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time1


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.05 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:T509
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CO2Emissions0 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged744.382 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time1


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CO2AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.1 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Unit Name:HYBL Upset
Unit Type:Process Vent
Unit Description:

NameValueOwn Result?
CH4Emissions0.32 (Metric Tons)

NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
AnnualVolumetricFlowDischarged257857 (scf)

The unit or operation associated with the emission:Other
Control device used to reduce emissions:None
Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:Process knowledge
Other Annual Volume Metric Flow Method:


Number of cumulative Venting Events1
Total Venting Time1


CO2 Mole Fraction Details
CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other CO2 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

CH4 Mole Fraction Details
NameValueSubstitute IndicatorTimes Substituted
CH4AnnualAverageMoleFraction0.065 (fraction (number between 0 and 1))
CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:Engineering estimates/process knowledge
Other CH4 Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

N2O Mole Fraction Details
N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:
Other N2O Annual Average Mole Fraction Method:

Uncontrolled Blowdown Systems

Methane emissions: ()
Methane emissions calculation method:No uncontrolled blowdown systems

Equipment Leak Details

NameValueOwn Result?
TotalCH4Emissions12.3 (Metric Tons)

Method to Calculate Equipment Leak Emission:98.253(l)(2) method

Storage Tank Details

NameValueOwn Result?
StabilizedCrudeTotalCH4Emissions1.92 (Metric Tons)

Stored Liquids Other Than Unstabilized Crude Oil Calculation Method:Equation Y-22
is Stored Liquids Other Than Unstabilized Crude Oil Received Stored Indicator:
UnStabilized Crude Calculation Method:
is UnStablized Crude Received Stored Indicator:
UnStabilized Crude Basis for Mole Fraction:
Other UnStabilized Crude Basis for Mole Fraction:

Loading Operations Details

NameValueOwn Result?
TotalCH4Emissions1.57 (Metric Tons)

Vessel Details

Vessel Type:Railcar

Material TypeControl Device Used To Reduce Emissions

Vessel Type:Tank truck

Material TypeControl Device Used To Reduce Emissions
Carbon adsorber
Submerged loading or bottom filling only; no other control system

Subpart MM: Suppliers of Petroleum Products

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity7,489,439 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Type of Facility:Refinery

Are you reporting optional procedures for blended products that do not contain biomass per the requirements of 98.393(i)?

Unique ID1
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID2
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID3
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID4
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID5
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID6
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID7
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID8
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID9
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID10
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID11
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID12
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID13
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID14
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID15
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID16
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID17
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID18
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID19
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID20
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID21
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID22
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID23
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)
Unique ID24
Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility? 98.396(b); 98.396(c)
Product Name Code 98.396(a)(1); 98.396(a)(5); 98.396(b)(1); 98.396(c)(1)
Measured Quantity Units 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Product Annual Quantity 98.396(a)(2); 98.396(a)(6); 98.396(a)(14); 98.396(b)(2); 98.396(c)(2)
Percent Petroleum Based 98.396(a)(3); 98.396(a)(7); 98.396(b)(3); 98.396(c)(3) percent
Annual CO2 Quantity, MT 98.396(a)(16); 98.396(a)(17); 98.396(a)(18); 98.396(b)(7); 98.396(c)(7)
Is Calculation Method 2 Used for this Product?No
Number of Samples 98.396(a)(9)(i); 98.396(a)(11)(i); 98.396(b)(5)(i); 98.396(c)(5)(i)
Sampling Standard Method Used 98.396(a)(9)(ii); 98.396(a)(11)(ii); 98.396(b)(5)(ii); 98.396(c)(5)(ii)
Carbon Share (mass %) 98.396(a)(9)(iii); 98.396(a)(11)(iii); 98.396(b)(5)(iii); 98.396(c)(5)(iii)
Standard Method Used to Test Carbon Share 98.396(a)(9)(iv); 98.396(a)(11)(iv); 98.396(b)(5)(iv); 98.396(c)(5)(iv)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Calculated CO2 Quantity Emission Factor Units 98.396(a)(9)(v); 98.396(a)(11)(v); 98.396(b)(5)(v); 98.396(c)(5)(v)
Density Test Results (metric tons/ barrel) 98.396(a)(10)(i); 98.396(a)(12)(i); 98.396(b)(6)(i); 98.396(c)(6)(i)
Standard Method Used to Test Density 98.396(a)(10)(ii); 98.396(a)(12)(ii); 98.396(b)(6)(ii); 98.396(c)(6)(ii)


Reporter Type 98.396(b); 98.396(c)Refinery
Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products 98.396(a)(19); 98.396(b)(8); 98.396(c)(8)7489439.044092
Quantity of Crude Oil Entering the Refinery (barrels) 98.396(a)(20)
Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Received for Processing 98.396(a)(21)
Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Units of Measure 98.396(a)(21)
Crude Oil Injected Into Supply/Reservoir, barrels 98.396(a)(22)