Facility Name:Targa Midstream Services LLC - Monument Gas Processing Plant
Facility Identifier:
Facility Reporting Year:2020
Facility Location:
Address: 8201 W Hwy 322
City: Monument
State: NM
Postal Code: 84265

Facility Site Details:
CO2 equivalent emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):175,186.57
CO2 equivalent emissions from supplier subparts LL-QQ (metric tons):
Biogenic CO2 emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):0
Cogeneration Unit Emissions Indicator:N
GHG Report Start Date:2020-01-01
GHG Report End Date:2020-12-31
Description of Changes to Calculation Methodology:
Plant Code Indicator:N
Primary NAICS Code:211130
Second Primary NAICS Code:

Parent Company Details:
Address:811 Louisiana Street, Suite 2100, Houston,  TX 77002
Percent Ownership Interest:100

Subpart C: General Stationary Fuel Combustion

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity98,093.3485 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameBiogenic Carbon dioxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity1.848725 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity0.184872 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Unit Details:
Unit Name : CP-Northern Natural Fuel Meter 118100097
Unit Type : OCS (Other combustion source)
Unit Description :
Other Unit Name :
Common Pipe Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 30
Cumulative Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 210

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)
Annual Fossil fuel based CO2 Emissions: 98093.3485 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Monthly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
98093.3485 (Metric Tons) 1.848725 (Metric Tons) 0.1848725 (Metric Tons) 46.218125 (Metric Tons) 55.092005 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 1825000000 ()
Use Default High Heat Value : false
Equation C2b Inputs :
Fuel CombustedHigh Heat Value
January152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
February152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
March152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
April152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
May152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
June152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
July152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
August152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
September152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
October152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
November152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()
December152083333.333333 ()0.001013 ()

Subpart W: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity67,906.600475 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity362.872624 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity0.045292 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Industry Segment Number3
Industry Segment NameOnshore natural gas processing [98.230(a)(3)]
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)67906.6004751003
Total CO2e Emissions (mt CO2e)76991.9130484457
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)362.87262415038
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.045291844248

Source Reporting FormOnshore Production [98.236(aa)(1)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Source Reporting FormFacility Overview [98.236(aa)(2-11)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Source Reporting FormNatural Gas Pneumatic Devices [98.236(b)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Source Reporting FormNatural Gas Driven Pneumatic Pumps [98.236(c)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Source Reporting FormAcid Gas Removal Units [98.236(d)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)44190.2765664834
Source Reporting FormDehydrators [98.236(e)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0
Source Reporting FormWell Venting for Liquids Unloading [98.236(f)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Source Reporting FormCompletions and Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing [98.236(g)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0
Source Reporting FormCompletions and Workovers without Hydraulic Fracturing [98.236(h)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0
Source Reporting FormBlowdown Vent Stacks [98.236(i)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0.41850964300916
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)2.19599432092981
Source Reporting FormAtmospheric Storage Tanks [98.236(j)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0
Source Reporting FormTransmission Storage Tanks [98.236(k)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0
Source Reporting FormWell Testing [98.236(l)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0
Source Reporting FormAssociated Gas Venting and Flaring [98.236(m)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0
Source Reporting FormFlare Stacks [98.236(n)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)23683.6778841658
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)150.385424178814
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0.045291844248
Source Reporting FormCentrifugal Compressors [98.236(o)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Source Reporting FormReciprocating Compressors [98.236(p)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)24.4104689768156
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)146.063455137689
Source Reporting FormEquipment Leaks Surveys and Population Counts [98.236(q,r)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentYes
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)7.81704583128576
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)64.2277505129472
Source Reporting FormOffshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production [98.236(s)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0
Source Reporting FormEnhanced Oil Recovery Injection Pumps [98.236(w)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Source Reporting FormEnhanced Oil Recovery Hydrocarbon Liquids [98.236(x)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Source Reporting FormCombustion Equipment at Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Facilities, Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting Facilities, and Natural gas Distribution Facilities [98.236(z)]
Required for Selected Industry SegmentNo
Total Reported CO2 Emissions (mt CO2)0
Total Reported CH4 Emissions (mt CH4)0
Total Reported N2O Emissions (mt N2O)0


Average mole fraction of CH4 in natural gas received [98.236(aa)(3)(v)]0.7096
Average mole fraction of CO2 in natural gas received [98.236(aa)(3)(vi)]0.0463
Does the facility fractionate NGLs? [98.236(aa)(3)(vii)]Yes

mt CO244190.2765664834
Did the Facility have any acid gas removal units that vent directly to the atmosphere, to a flare or engine, or to a sulfur recovery plant subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(d)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No

Unit ID or Name [98.236(d)(1)(i)]AMN_Amine Treater Vent
Total feed rate entering the acid gas removal unit for the year (million cubic feet) [98.236(d)(1)(ii)]23799
Calculation Method Used (Select from list) [98.236(d)(1)(iii)]Calculation Methodology 2 [98.233(d)(2)]
Are any CO2 emissions from the acid gas removal unit recovered and transferred outside the facility? (Yes / No) [98.236(d)(1)(iv)]Yes
Total CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(d)(1)(v)]44190.2765664834

Unit ID or Name [98.236(d)(1)(i)]AMN_Amine Treater Vent
Annual average fraction of CO2 content in the vent from the acid gas removal unit, VolCO2 (volumetric fraction) [98.236(d)(2)(i)(A)]0.921
Annual volume of gas vented from the acid gas removal unit, Vs (actual or standard cubic feet) [98.236(d)(2)(i)(B)]912181679
Annual volume of gas vented reported on an Actual or Standard basis? [98.236]Standard
Temperature used to calculate volume of gas vented (°F) [98.236]60
Pressure used to calculate volume of gas vented (psi) [98.236]14.7

mt CO20
mt CH40
mt N2O0
Did the facility have any glycol dehydrators with annual average daily natural gas throughputs greater than or equal to 0.4MMscfd subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(e)]?No
Did the facility have any glycol dehydrators with annual average daily natural gas throughputs less than 0.4MMscfd subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(e)]?No
Did the facility have any desiccant dehydrators subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(e)]?No
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No

Emissions vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes
Emissions that were not vented to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes

Total Number of Desiccant Dehydrators [98.236(e)(3)(i)]1
Vapor RecoveryNo
Control devices other than vapor recovery, flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubesNo
Emissions vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes
Total N2O Emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(e)(3)(i)]0
Emissions that were not vented to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes
Total CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(3)(i)] [98.236(e)(3)(ii)]0
Total CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(3)(i)] [98.236(e)(3)(iii)]0

mt CO20.41850964300916
mt CH42.19599432092981
Did the facility have any blowdown vent stacks subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(i)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No
How were emissions determined? [98.236(i)]Calculated by equipment or event type

Equipment or event type [98.236(i)(1)] [98.236(i)(2)]Compressors
Total number of blowdowns for equipment or event type, N [98.236(i)(1)(i)]19
Annual total CO2 emissions for each equipment or event type (mt CO2) [98.236(i)(1)(ii)]0.119732963729635
Annual total CH4 emissions for each equipment or event type (mt CH4) [98.236(i)(1)(iii)]0.659747925541971
Equipment or event type [98.236(i)(1)] [98.236(i)(2)]Pig launchers and receivers
Total number of blowdowns for equipment or event type, N [98.236(i)(1)(i)]48
Annual total CO2 emissions for each equipment or event type (mt CO2) [98.236(i)(1)(ii)]0.298776679279525
Annual total CH4 emissions for each equipment or event type (mt CH4) [98.236(i)(1)(iii)]1.53624639538784

mt CO223683.6778841658
mt CH4150.385424178814
mt N2O0.045291844248
Did the facility have flare stacks subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(n)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No

Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]FLARE_Acid Gas Flare (acid)
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]Yes
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]25359000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.0029
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.9208
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]6.27458751360041
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]0.0282397824
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.00003
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]FLARE_Acid Gas Flare (NNG)
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]Yes
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]59730000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.89917
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.00124
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]3176.35563655672
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]19.85934485798
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.00589158801
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]FLARE_Green Gas Flare (green)
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]Yes
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]6670000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.7096
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.0463
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]423.172185297396
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]1.75012889348113
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.00078047004
Unique Name or ID Number for the Flare Stack [98.236(n)(1)]FLARE_Residue Gas Flare (residue)
Does the flare stack have a continuous flow monitor on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(2)]Yes
Does the flare stack have a continuous gas analyzer on gas to the flare? [98.236(n)(3)]No
Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for the flare stack? [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]No
Volume of gas sent to flare, Vs (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]388620000
Flare combustion efficiency (decimal value) [98.236(n)(6)]0.98
Mole fraction of CH4 in flare feed gas, XCH4 [98.236(n)(7)]0.89595
Mole fraction of CO2 in flare feed gas, XCO2 [98.236(n)(8)]0.00117
Fraction of feed gas sent to un-lit flare, Zu [98.236(n)(5)]0
CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]20077.8754747981
CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) (Eq. W-19) [98.236(n)(10)]128.747710644953
N2O Emissions (mt N2O) (Eq. W-40) [98.236(n)(11)]0.038587478832

mt CO20
mt CH40
Did the facility have any centrifugal compressors subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(o)]?No

mt CO224.4104689768156
mt CH4146.063455137689
Did the facility have any reciprocating compressors subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(p)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No

Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_C-01
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]2388
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]6396
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]No
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]Yes
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]800
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_C-02
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]4992
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]3792
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]800
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_C-04
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]600
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]8184
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]No
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]Yes
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]600
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_C-05
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8760
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]24
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]600
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_C-06
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8590.5
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]193.5
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]600
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_C-24
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8550
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]234
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]880
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_C-30
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]2240
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]44
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]6500
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]No
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]Yes
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]1500
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_C-31
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]3407.5
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]5376.5
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]No
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]Yes
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]1500
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8750
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]34
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]3350
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8388
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]396
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]No
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]Yes
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]3350
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8580
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]204
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]3350
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8143
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]641
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]3350
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(1)(i)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36
Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]8565
Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]0
Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]219
Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)]Yes
Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)]No
Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]No
Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)]No
Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]3350
Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]Yes

Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-01
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-01.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-01
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-01.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-01
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-01.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-02
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-02.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-02
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-02.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-02
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-02.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-04
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-04.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-04
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-04.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-04
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-04.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-05
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-05.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-05
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-05.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-05
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-05.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-06
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-06.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-06
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-06.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-06
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-06.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-24
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-24.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-24
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-24.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-24
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-24.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-30
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-30.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-30
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-30.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-30
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-30.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-31
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-31.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-31
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-31.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-31
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-31.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35.Rod packing
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Blowdown valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36.Blowdown valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Isolation valve
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36.Isolation valve
Unique name or ID for reciprocating compressor [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36
Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]Rod packing
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36.Rod packing

Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-01.Isolation valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Not-operating mode”RECIP_C-01
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-02.Blowdown valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-02
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-02.Rod packing
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-02
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-04.Isolation valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]231.446
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Not-operating mode”RECIP_C-04
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-05.Blowdown valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-05
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-05.Rod packing
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-05
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-06.Blowdown valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-05-18
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-06
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-06.Rod packing
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-05-18
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]33.711
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-06
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-24.Blowdown valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]100.791
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-24
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-24.Rod packing
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-24
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-30.Blowdown valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]398.003
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in *Standby-pressurized mode*RECIP_C-30
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-31.Isolation valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]131.855
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Not-operating mode”RECIP_C-31
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine.Blowdown valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine.Rod packing
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]64.052
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33.Isolation valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]486.096
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Not-operating mode”RECIP_Electric Recip 33
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34.Blowdown valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]11.367
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_Electric Recip 34
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34.Rod packing
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_Electric Recip 34
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35.Blowdown valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]120.712
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_Electric Recip 35
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35.Rod packing
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_Electric Recip 35
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36.Blowdown valve
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]High volume sampler
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]262.534
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_Electric Recip 36
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent (Specify) [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)] [98.236(p)(3)(i)(A)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36.Rod packing
Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(B)]2020-09-08
Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]Screening/Optical gas imaging
Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]0
Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]Not manifolded
Compressors in “Operating mode”RECIP_Electric Recip 36

Compressor Mode [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Operating
Compressor Source [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Blowdown valve
Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(B)]10.90454369
Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)]412
Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter's applicable facilities? [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(D)]All applicable facilities
Compressor Mode [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Operating
Compressor Source [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Rod packing
Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(B)]81.92604592
Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)]588
Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter's applicable facilities? [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(D)]All applicable facilities
Compressor Mode [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Standby-pressurized
Compressor Source [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Blowdown valve
Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(B)]9.45780303
Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)]132
Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter's applicable facilities? [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(D)]All applicable facilities
Compressor Mode [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Not-operating-depressurized
Compressor Source [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]Isolation valve
Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(B)]96.14192818
Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)]181
Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter's applicable facilities? [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(D)]All applicable facilities

Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-01.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.0634174177768643
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.354777978535459
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-01.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-01.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.476456276265807
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]2.66545375828567
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-02.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-02.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.887866953361424
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]4.96702095361755
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-02.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-04.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.0159340245670513
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.0891401956119245
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-04.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]4.61298492438432
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]25.8065610972365
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-04.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.11971263222759
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.669711999569265
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-05.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-05.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.0056194110972242
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.0314368414785921
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-05.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-06.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-06.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.0453065019713701
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.253459534421149
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-06.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.70527227714379
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]3.94552603328256
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-24.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]2.098720496709
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]11.740935557376
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-24.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.054789258197936
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.306509204416273
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-24.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-30.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.102135721080485
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.571380953868091
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-30.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]1.52192383883155
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]8.51414456711869
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-30.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.446927160316335
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]2.50025813172525
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-31.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.0904919811870456
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.506242027579388
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-31.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]1.72648571125735
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]9.6585312376704
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-31.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.679867990525854
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]3.80340606422045
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.000201170062497821
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.0562311217689142
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_C-32 Regen Engine.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.03449152161
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]9.6410814192
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.222757663447377
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]1.2461799346547
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.46879607668608
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]2.62260007206912
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 33.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]1.6735825985417
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]9.36257375397832
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.2375198350668
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]1.3287643978752
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.0477649943264057
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.267213152568033
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 34.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]2.39387580593008
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]13.3921318316851
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.150085104721696
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.839625641157397
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 35.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36.Blowdown valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]5.4762045032598
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]30.6356964982272
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36.Isolation valve
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]No
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0.0512771262621708
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0.286861178492153
Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]RECIP_Electric Recip 36.Rod packing
Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]Single
Where are leak or vent emissions released? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(ix) through (xi)]Atmosphere
Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]Yes
Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]No
CO2 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]0
CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]0

mt CO27.81704583128576
mt CH464.2277505129472
Did this facility use leak surveys to calculate emissions from equipment leaks in accordance with 98.232 [per 98.236(q)]?Yes
Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]No
Number of complete equipment leak surveys performed during the calendar year [98.236(q)(1)(i)]1
Optical gas imaging instrument as specified in §60.18 [98.234(a)(1)]Yes
Method 21 [98.234(a)(2)]No
Infrared laser beam illuminated instrument [98.234(a)(3)]No
Acoustic leak detection device [98.234(a)(5)]No
Optical gas imaging instrument as specified in §60.5397a [98.234(a)(6)]No
Method 21 as specified in §60.5397a [98.234(a)(7)]No

Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Connector
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]18
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0.05439365545536
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]15.2041323912192
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Meter
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Open-ended Line
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Pressure Relief Valve
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Compressor Components, Gas Service - Valve
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]12
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]3.8095546599936
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]26.9086851145728
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service - Connector
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]11
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]1.3436552571552
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]7.5168512483328
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor components, Gas Service - Meter
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service - Open-ended Line
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor components, Gas Service - Pressure Relief Valve
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]0
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]0
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]0
Component Type [98.236(q)(2)(i)]Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service - Valve
Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking, xp [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]19
Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, Tp,z (hours) [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]8784
CO2 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CO2) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]2.6094422586816
CH4 Emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) (mt CH4) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]14.5980817588224

Subpart NN: Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids

Gas Information Details
Gas NameGas QuantityOwn Result?
Carbon Dioxide (Metric Tons)

AnnualQuantityPropaneOdorized ()

Fuel Details
NGL Supplied
Product Name:
Measure Method Name:
Industry standard practices
Other Measure Method Name:
NameValueTimes Substituted

NGL Received
Product Name:
NameValueTimes Substituted

NN7 Equation Details:
NameValueTimes Substituted
(MT CO2/bbl)

Industry Standard for EF:

NameValueOwn Result?
(Metric Tons)N

NameValueOwn Result?
(Metric Tons)N

NN1 Equation Details:
NameValueTimes Substituted
(MT CO2/bbl)

NameValueTimes Substituted
(MT CO2/bbl)

Industry Standard for HHV:
Other Industry Standard for HHV:

Industry Standard for EF:
Other Industry Standard for EF:

Subpart PP: Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity43,190.903966 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Supplier Type: extract 98.420(a)(2)
Calculation Methodology: Flow Meters 1

Meter Details:

Meter Name: acid gas injection
Meter Description:
Meter Type: CO2 Flow Meter
Measurement Type: Volumetric - concentration in volume percentage
Annual Mass of CO2 (Metric Tons): 43190.9039658547
Biomass-Based Percent: 0
Flow Meter Location: NA
Was CO2 Imported or Exported: NA
Dehydration Equipment Upstream? Y
Dehydration Equipment Downstream? N
Compression Equipment Upstream? Y
Compression Equipment Downstream? N
Other Processing Equipment Upstream? N
Other Processing Equipment Downstream? N
Other Processing Equipment Description: (blank)

Quarterly Volumetric Flow Data
QuarterVolumetric Flow RateCO2 ConcentrationMeasurement StandardDensity
First Quarter7238000.8348730.917 (volume %CO2 expressed as a fraction) Industry Standard0.001868 (mton/scm)
Second Quarter5742998.71415020.927 (volume %CO2 expressed as a fraction) Industry Standard0.001868 (mton/scm)
Third Quarter6131219.01635320.921 (volume %CO2 expressed as a fraction) Industry Standard0.001868 (mton/scm)
Fourth Quarter5999575.23918750.919 (volume %CO2 expressed as a fraction) Industry Standard0.001868 (mton/scm)

End Use Details
End Use CategoryQuantity of CO2
Food and beverage0 (Metric Tons)
Industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment0 (Metric Tons)
Metal fabrication, including welding and cutting0 (Metric Tons)
Greenhouse uses for plant growth0 (Metric Tons)
Fumigants (e.g., grain storage) and herbicides0 (Metric Tons)
Pulp and paper0 (Metric Tons)
Cleaning and solvent use0 (Metric Tons)
Fire fighting0 (Metric Tons)
Transportation and storage of explosives0 (Metric Tons)
Injection of CO2 for enhanced oil and natural gas recovery that is covered by 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart UU0 (Metric Tons)
Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide that is covered by 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart RR0 (Metric Tons)
Research and Development0 (Metric Tons)
Other (if other please provide a short description of the use) - acid gas injection well43190.9039658547 (Metric Tons)
Unknown0 (Metric Tons)

Number of days substitute data procedures were used for mass or volume: 0
Number of days substitute data procedures were used for concentration: 0
Number of days substitute data procedures were used for density: 0

Types of Equipment Used
Equipment TypeStandard Used to Calibrate Equipment
Volumetric flow meterindustry standard

Subpart UU: Injection of Carbon Dioxide

Gas Information Details

Facility Information:
Source(s) of CO2 Received
Natural gas processing

Purpose of CO2 Injection
The facility includes a well or group of wells where a CO2 stream was injected into subsurface geologic formations to enhance the recovery of natural gas during this reporting year.

Flow Meters and Containers

  • Unit Information
  • Name or Identifier: acid gas injection-2
    Unit Description: 
    Unit Type: Flow Meter

    Equation UU-2 Summary and Result
    Calculated CO2 Received:  ()

    Quarter 1, January to March
    Quarterly Volume Received
    Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter: API 21.1
    Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter: 0
    Quarterly Volume Redelivered
    Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter: API 21.1
    Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter: 0
    Quarterly CO2 Concentration
    CO2 concentration in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate CO2 concentration in the quarter: GPA 2261
    Were substitute data procedures used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the quarter? N

    Quarter 2, April to June
    Quarterly Volume Received
    Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter: API 21.1
    Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter: 0
    Quarterly Volume Redelivered
    Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter: API 21.1
    Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter: 0
    Quarterly CO2 Concentration
    CO2 concentration in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate CO2 concentration in the quarter: GPA 2261
    Were substitute data procedures used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the quarter? N

    Quarter 3, July to September
    Quarterly Volume Received
    Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter: API 21.1
    Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter: 0
    Quarterly Volume Redelivered
    Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter: API 21.1
    Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter: 0
    Quarterly CO2 Concentration
    CO2 concentration in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate CO2 concentration in the quarter: GPA 2261
    Were substitute data procedures used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the quarter? N

    Quarter 4, October to December
    Quarterly Volume Received
    Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter: API 21.1
    Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in the quarter: 0
    Quarterly Volume Redelivered
    Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter: API 21.1
    Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in the quarter: 0
    Quarterly CO2 Concentration
    CO2 concentration in the quarter:  ()
    Standard or method used to calculate CO2 concentration in the quarter: GPA 2261
    Were substitute data procedures used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the quarter? N