Facility Identifier:
Facility Reporting Year:2020
Facility Location:
Address: 7501 HIGHWAY 185 NORTH
State: TX
Postal Code: 77983

Facility Site Details:
CO2 equivalent emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):808,888.6
CO2 equivalent emissions from supplier subparts LL-QQ (metric tons):
Biogenic CO2 emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT (metric tons):0
Cogeneration Unit Emissions Indicator:Y
GHG Report Start Date:2020-01-01
GHG Report End Date:2020-12-31
Description of Changes to Calculation Methodology:
Did you use an EPA-approved BAMM in this reporting year for Subpart C?
Did you use an EPA-approved BAMM in this reporting year for Subpart X?
Plant Code Indicator:N
Primary NAICS Code:325199
Second Primary NAICS Code:
Additional NAICS Codes: 325211
Parent Company Details:
Parent Company Name:DOW INC
Address:2030 Dow Center, Midland,  MI 48674
Percent Ownership Interest:100

Subpart C: General Stationary Fuel Combustion

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity546,701.9 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameBiogenic Carbon dioxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity10.31 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity1.031 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Unit Details:
Unit Name : ES_BLR_#11 DUCT BURNER
Unit Type : PRH (Process Heater)
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 309 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
9457.9 (Metric Tons) 0.18 (Metric Tons) 0.018 (Metric Tons) 4.5 (Metric Tons) 5.3 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 172060000 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.00103597426666667 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : PRH (Process Heater)
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 220 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
23484.2 (Metric Tons) 0.44 (Metric Tons) 0.044 (Metric Tons) 11.1 (Metric Tons) 13.2 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 427227000 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.00103597426666667 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : PRH (Process Heater)
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 220 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
22578.1 (Metric Tons) 0.43 (Metric Tons) 0.043 (Metric Tons) 10.6 (Metric Tons) 12.7 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 410744000 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.00103597426666667 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : O (Oven)
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 0.5 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
20.7 (Metric Tons) 0.00 (Metric Tons) 0.000 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 377352 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.001036 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Name : OX_GTB_IGT WHB
Unit Type : SCCT (CT (Turbine, simple cycle combustion))
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 280 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
72907.2 (Metric Tons) 1.37 (Metric Tons) 0.137 (Metric Tons) 34.4 (Metric Tons) 40.9 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 1326337742.35478 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.00103597426666667 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : PRH (Process Heater)
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 50 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
395.0 (Metric Tons) 0.01 (Metric Tons) 0.001 (Metric Tons) 0.2 (Metric Tons) 0.2 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 7185947.18 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.001036 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : FLR (Flare)
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 1.16 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
49.8 (Metric Tons) 0.00 (Metric Tons) 0.000 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 905381.021872 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.001036 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : OB (Boiler, other)
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 8 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
4012.9 (Metric Tons) 0.08 (Metric Tons) 0.008 (Metric Tons) 1.9 (Metric Tons) 2.3 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 73003824 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.00103597426666667 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : SCCT (CT (Turbine, simple cycle combustion))
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 497 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
133127.9 (Metric Tons) 2.51 (Metric Tons) 0.251 (Metric Tons) 62.7 (Metric Tons) 74.8 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 2421882000 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.00103597426666667 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : SCCT (CT (Turbine, simple cycle combustion))
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 497 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
174334.7 (Metric Tons) 3.29 (Metric Tons) 0.329 (Metric Tons) 82.1 (Metric Tons) 97.9 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 3171522000 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.00103597426666667 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : SCCT (CT (Turbine, simple cycle combustion))
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 525 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
105625.5 (Metric Tons) 1.99 (Metric Tons) 0.199 (Metric Tons) 49.8 (Metric Tons) 59.3 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 1921553890.55 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.00103597426666667 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Type : O (Oven)
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 6 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
35.7 (Metric Tons) 0.00 (Metric Tons) 0.000 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons) 0 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 650000 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.001036 (mmBtu/scf)

Unit Name : OX_FLR_24 INCH FLARE
Unit Type : FLR (Flare)
Unit Description :
Individual Unit Details:
Use Ivt Indicator: N
Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity: 82.4 (mmBtu/hr)

Emission Details:
Annual CO2 mass emissions from sorbent: 0 (Metric Tons)
Annual Biogenic CO2 Emissions: 0 (metric tons)

Tier Fuel Details:
Fuel : Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)
Tier Name : Tier 2 (Equation C-2a)
Tier Methodology Start Date : 2020-01-01
Tier Methodology End Date : 2020-12-31
Frequency of HHV determinations : Quarterly

Tier 2 Monthly HHV Details :

Fuel Emission Details :
Total CO2 emissionsTotal CH4 emissionsTotal N2O emissionsTotal CH4 emissions CO2eTotal N2O emissions CO2e
672.3 (Metric Tons) 0.01 (Metric Tons) 0.001 (Metric Tons) 0.3 (Metric Tons) 0.4 (Metric Tons)

Equation C2a/C9a Inputs :
Fuel Quantity : 12230834.3040006 (scf/year)
Use Default High Heat Value : true
High Heat Value : 0.00103597426666667 (mmBtu/scf)

Subpart X: Petrochemical Production

CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) Details for Subpart X

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity260,065.7 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameBiogenic Carbon dioxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Petrochemical Process Units

Petrochemical process units monitored using the mass balance methodology:

Type:Petrochemical process unit
Identify combustion units:OX_FLR_24 INCH FLARE OX_FLR_2 INCH FLARE
AnnualCO2Emissions:260065.7 Metric Tons
Type of petrochemical produced:
Annual quantity of the petrochemical produced: 
Annual average carbon content of the wastewater: 
Annual average flow of wastewater:
Unit of measure for average flow of wastewater:
Annual mass of carbon released in fugitive emissions not controlled with a combustion device: 
Annual mass of carbon released in process vents not controlled with a combustion device: 


State of Feedstock or product:
Identify each method (i.e., method number, title or other description) used to determine the flow or mass of each carbon-containing product or feedstock: Ethylene Supply Flow Meter
Annual quantity of feedstock or product: 
If applicable, dates for each process change that reduced the composition to less than 99.5%:
MonthVolume for month based on missing data procedureVolume measurement methodOther volume measurement methodCarbon content or composition for month based on missing data procedureCarbon content or composition determination methodSpecify the practiceOther MethodName or title of the alternative carbon content determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative carbon content determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative carbon content determination methodMolecular weight for month based on missing data procedure, if applicableMolecular weight determination method, if applicableOther methodName or title of the alternative molecular weight determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative molecular weight determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative molecular weight determination methodTemperature at which volume was measured
January N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
February N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
March N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
April N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
May N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
June N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
July N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
August N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
September N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
October N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
November N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit
December N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon Content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N Calculated based on chemical formula and atomic weights68 degrees Fahrenheit

State of Feedstock or product:
Identify each method (i.e., method number, title or other description) used to determine the flow or mass of each carbon-containing product or feedstock: Tank Level Meter
Annual quantity of feedstock or product: 
If applicable, dates for each process change that reduced the composition to less than 99.5%:
MonthVolume for month based on missing data procedureVolume measurement methodOther volume measurement methodCarbon content or composition for month based on missing data procedureCarbon content or composition determination methodSpecify the practiceOther MethodName or title of the alternative carbon content determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative carbon content determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative carbon content determination methodMolecular weight for month based on missing data procedure, if applicableMolecular weight determination method, if applicableOther methodName or title of the alternative molecular weight determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative molecular weight determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative molecular weight determination methodTemperature at which volume was measured
January N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
February N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
March N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
April N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
May N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
June N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
July N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
August N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
September N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
October N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
November N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
December N Tank level measurements N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N

State of Feedstock or product:
Identify each method (i.e., method number, title or other description) used to determine the flow or mass of each carbon-containing product or feedstock: Ethylene Oxide rerun flow meter
Annual quantity of feedstock or product: 
If applicable, dates for each process change that reduced the composition to less than 99.5%:
MonthVolume for month based on missing data procedureVolume measurement methodOther volume measurement methodCarbon content or composition for month based on missing data procedureCarbon content or composition determination methodSpecify the practiceOther MethodName or title of the alternative carbon content determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative carbon content determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative carbon content determination methodMolecular weight for month based on missing data procedure, if applicableMolecular weight determination method, if applicableOther methodName or title of the alternative molecular weight determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative molecular weight determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative molecular weight determination methodTemperature at which volume was measured
January N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
February N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
March N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
April N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
May N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
June N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
July N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
August N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
September N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
October N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
November N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N
December N Flow meter N Other (specify)Carbon content calculated assuming 100% of the feedstock or product is the specific compound during periods of normal operation N

State of Feedstock or product:
Identify each method (i.e., method number, title or other description) used to determine the flow or mass of each carbon-containing product or feedstock: EO to Glycol Meter
Annual quantity of feedstock or product: 
If applicable, dates for each process change that reduced the composition to less than 99.5%:
MonthVolume for month based on missing data procedureVolume measurement methodOther volume measurement methodCarbon content or composition for month based on missing data procedureCarbon content or composition determination methodSpecify the practiceOther MethodName or title of the alternative carbon content determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative carbon content determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative carbon content determination methodMolecular weight for month based on missing data procedure, if applicableMolecular weight determination method, if applicableOther methodName or title of the alternative molecular weight determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative molecular weight determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative molecular weight determination methodTemperature at which volume was measured
January N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
February N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
March N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
April N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
May N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
June N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
July N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
August N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
September N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
October N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
November N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
December N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N

State of Feedstock or product:
Identify each method (i.e., method number, title or other description) used to determine the flow or mass of each carbon-containing product or feedstock: Ethylene Oxide Rerun Flow Meter
Annual quantity of feedstock or product: 
If applicable, dates for each process change that reduced the composition to less than 99.5%:
MonthVolume for month based on missing data procedureVolume measurement methodOther volume measurement methodCarbon content or composition for month based on missing data procedureCarbon content or composition determination methodSpecify the practiceOther MethodName or title of the alternative carbon content determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative carbon content determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative carbon content determination methodMolecular weight for month based on missing data procedure, if applicableMolecular weight determination method, if applicableOther methodName or title of the alternative molecular weight determination methodExplanation as to why an alternative molecular weight determination method was neededFile name of the copy of the alternative molecular weight determination methodTemperature at which volume was measured
January N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
February N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
March N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
April N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
May N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
June N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
July N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
August N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
September N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
October N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
November N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N
December N Flow meter N Other (specify)Assume 100% composition N

Subpart TT: Industrial Waste Landfills

Gas Information Details

Gas NameCarbon Dioxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameBiogenic Carbon dioxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameMethane
Gas Quantity62.24 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Gas NameNitrous Oxide
Gas Quantity0 (Metric Tons)
Own Result?

Landfill Details:
Was the landfill open or closed Open
First year the landfill accepted waste1983
If the landfill is open, the estimated year of landfill closure2025
Landfill Capacity300000 (Metric Tons)
Does the landfill have a landfill gas collection systemN
Passive vents and/or flares are present (vents or flares that are not considered part of the gas collection system)N
An indication of whether leachate recirculation was used during the reporting yearN
The typical frequency of use of leachate recirculation over the past ten (10) yearsNot used for the past ten (10) years
Each type of cover material used and Landfill surface area containing waste
Clay cover6500 (Square Meters)
Number of waste streams5
Annual modeled methane generation TT169.15 (Metric Tons)
Annual modeled methane generation TT1 user overrided valueN

Equation TT-1 Details:
The fraction of CH4 in landfill gas (F), is it based on a measured value or default valueDefault
Fraction by volume of CH4 in landfill gas ()
An MCF value other than the default of 1 was usedN

Waste Stream For Method3 Details:
Capacity of the landfill used (or the total quantity of waste-in-place) at the end of the "YrData" from design drawings or engineering estimates ()
Do you know the year when the landfill opened?No
The year the landfill first received waste from company records, or 1960 (whichever is more recent)

Methane Generation and Emissions for Landfills without LFG Collection Systems

Methane Oxidation Fraction
Methane Oxidation Fraction TT-6 0.10

Gas Collection Systems details
Methane Generation Equation TT662.24 (Metric Tons)

Waste Stream Summary:

Stream Identification and Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity for Wood

Stream NameWood
Stream DescriptionRailroad ties, wooden pallets and other wood
Type(s) Of Waste Present In The Waste Stream
wood and wood product
Range of years for which both disposal and production data were used in Equation TT-2 to calculate the average waste disposal factor for the landfill1983 to 2007
First year this waste stream was placed in the landfill1983
Last year this waste stream was placed in the landfill2020
Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity
Reporting YearMethod #1Method #2Method #3Method #4DecayrateWaste disposed quantity (UOM)Waste stream DOC value (UOM)Is defaulted value from table TT1Is value measured using 60 day anaerobic biodegradation testIs based on total volatile solids measurements
1983NYNN0.0472 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1984NYNN0.0471 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1985NYNN0.0477 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1986NYNN0.0479 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1987NYNN0.04147 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1988NYNN0.04149 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1989NYNN0.04146 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1990NYNN0.04157 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1991NYNN0.04110 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1992NYNN0.04129 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1993NYNN0.04104 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1994NYNN0.04113 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1995NYNN0.04111 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1996NYNN0.04183 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1997NYNN0.04200 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1998NYNN0.04202 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
1999NYNN0.04202 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2000NYNN0.04198 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2001NYNN0.04203 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2002NYNN0.04143 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2003NYNN0.04126 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2004NYNN0.04148 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2005NYNN0.04142 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2006NYNN0.04155 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2007NYNN0.04154 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2008YNNN0.04271 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2009YNNN0.0457 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2010YNNN0.04104 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2011YNNN0.0491 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2012YNNN0.04157 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2013YNNN0.04166 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2014YNNN0.04123 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2015YNNN0.04197 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2016YNNN0.04294 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2017YNNN0.04302 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2018YNNN0.04328 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2019YNNN0.04235 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN
2020YNNN0.04156 (Metric Tons)0.43 (Metric Tons)YNN

Stream Identification and Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity for Inert Materials

Stream NameInert Materials
Stream DescriptionRocks, soil and plastic
Type(s) Of Waste Present In The Waste Stream
inert waste
Range of years for which both disposal and production data were used in Equation TT-2 to calculate the average waste disposal factor for the landfill1983 to 2007
First year this waste stream was placed in the landfill1983
Last year this waste stream was placed in the landfill2020
Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity
Reporting YearMethod #1Method #2Method #3Method #4DecayrateWaste disposed quantity (UOM)Waste stream DOC value (UOM)Is defaulted value from table TT1Is value measured using 60 day anaerobic biodegradation testIs based on total volatile solids measurements
1983NYNN0106 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1984NYNN0105 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1985NYNN0113 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1986NYNN0116 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1987NYNN0215 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1988NYNN0219 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1989NYNN0214 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1990NYNN0231 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1991NYNN0161 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1992NYNN0189 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1993NYNN0152 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1994NYNN0166 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1995NYNN0163 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1996NYNN0268 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1997NYNN0293 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1998NYNN0296 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
1999NYNN0296 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2000NYNN0291 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2001NYNN0297 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2002NYNN0210 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2003NYNN0185 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2004NYNN0217 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2005NYNN0208 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2006NYNN0228 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2007NYNN0226 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2008YNNN061 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2009YNNN0186 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2010YNNN0218 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2011YNNN0300 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2012YNNN0365 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2013YNNN0120 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2014YNNN098 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2015YNNN0195 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2016YNNN0338 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2017YNNN0293 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2018YNNN0186 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2019YNNN0187 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN
2020YNNN0415 (Metric Tons)0 (Metric Tons)YNN

Stream Identification and Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity for Construction and Demolition Material

Stream NameConstruction and Demolition Material
Stream DescriptionInsulation, building supplies
Type(s) Of Waste Present In The Waste Stream
construction and demolition
Range of years for which both disposal and production data were used in Equation TT-2 to calculate the average waste disposal factor for the landfill1983 to 2007
First year this waste stream was placed in the landfill1983
Last year this waste stream was placed in the landfill2020
Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity
Reporting YearMethod #1Method #2Method #3Method #4DecayrateWaste disposed quantity (UOM)Waste stream DOC value (UOM)Is defaulted value from table TT1Is value measured using 60 day anaerobic biodegradation testIs based on total volatile solids measurements
1983NYNN0.0479 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1984NYNN0.0479 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1985NYNN0.0485 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1986NYNN0.0487 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1987NYNN0.04162 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1988NYNN0.04164 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1989NYNN0.04161 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1990NYNN0.04173 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1991NYNN0.04121 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1992NYNN0.04142 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1993NYNN0.04114 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1994NYNN0.04125 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1995NYNN0.04122 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1996NYNN0.04201 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1997NYNN0.04220 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1998NYNN0.04222 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
1999NYNN0.04223 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2000NYNN0.04218 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2001NYNN0.04223 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2002NYNN0.04158 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2003NYNN0.04139 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2004NYNN0.04163 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2005NYNN0.04156 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2006NYNN0.04171 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2007YNNN0.04170 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2008YNNN0.0461 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2009YNNN0.04142 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2010YNNN0.04205 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2011YNNN0.04166 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2012YNNN0.04128 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2013YNNN0.04183 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2014YNNN0.04212 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2015YNNN0.04121 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2016YNNN0.04437 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2017YNNN0.04311 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2018YNNN0.04268 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2019YNNN0.0485 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN
2020YNNN0.0472 (Metric Tons)0.08 (Metric Tons)YNN

Stream Identification and Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity for Paper Products

Stream NamePaper Products
Stream DescriptionFilter material, general office trash
Type(s) Of Waste Present In The Waste Stream
pulp and paper wastes segregated into separate streams
other pulp and paper wastes
Range of years for which both disposal and production data were used in Equation TT-2 to calculate the average waste disposal factor for the landfill1983 to 2007
First year this waste stream was placed in the landfill1983
Last year this waste stream was placed in the landfill2020
Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity
Reporting YearMethod #1Method #2Method #3Method #4DecayrateWaste disposed quantity (UOM)Waste stream DOC value (UOM)Is defaulted value from table TT1Is value measured using 60 day anaerobic biodegradation testIs based on total volatile solids measurements
1983NYNN0.04250 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1984NYNN0.04247 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1985NYNN0.04267 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1986NYNN0.04274 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1987NYNN0.04509 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1988NYNN0.04517 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1989NYNN0.04506 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1990NYNN0.04545 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1991NYNN0.04382 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1992NYNN0.04447 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1993NYNN0.04360 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1994NYNN0.04393 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1995NYNN0.04385 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1996NYNN0.04633 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1997NYNN0.04692 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1998NYNN0.04699 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1999NYNN0.04700 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2000NYNN0.04687 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2001NYNN0.04703 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2002NYNN0.04496 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2003NYNN0.04437 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2004NYNN0.04513 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2005NYNN0.04492 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2006NYNN0.04539 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2007YNNN0.04535 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2008YNNN0.04389 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2009YNNN0.04481 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2010YNNN0.04478 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2011YNNN0.04466 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2012YNNN0.04510 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2013YNNN0.04413 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2014YNNN0.04451 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2015YNNN0.04138 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2016YNNN0.04564 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2017YNNN0.04496 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2018YNNN0.04604 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2019YNNN0.04175 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2020YNNN0.04441 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN

Stream Identification and Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity for Other Waste

Stream NameOther Waste
Stream DescriptionSludge material, hoses
Type(s) Of Waste Present In The Waste Stream
other industrial solid waste
Range of years for which both disposal and production data were used in Equation TT-2 to calculate the average waste disposal factor for the landfill1983 to 2007
First year this waste stream was placed in the landfill1983
Last year this waste stream was placed in the landfill2020
Method(s) used to determine historical waste stream quantity
Reporting YearMethod #1Method #2Method #3Method #4DecayrateWaste disposed quantity (UOM)Waste stream DOC value (UOM)Is defaulted value from table TT1Is value measured using 60 day anaerobic biodegradation testIs based on total volatile solids measurements
1983NYNN0.06104 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1984NYNN0.06103 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1985NYNN0.06112 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1986NYNN0.06115 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1987NYNN0.06213 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1988NYNN0.06216 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1989NYNN0.06211 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1990NYNN0.06228 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1991NYNN0.06160 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1992NYNN0.06187 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1993NYNN0.06150 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1994NYNN0.06164 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1995NYNN0.06161 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1996NYNN0.06265 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1997NYNN0.06289 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1998NYNN0.06292 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
1999NYNN0.06293 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2000NYNN0.06287 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2001NYNN0.06294 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2002NYNN0.06208 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2003NYNN0.06183 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2004NYNN0.06215 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2005NYNN0.06206 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2006NYNN0.06225 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2007YNNN0.06224 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2008YNNN0.06223 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2009YNNN0.06440 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2010YNNN0.061 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2011YNNN0.0692 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2012YNNN0.06971 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2013YNNN0.06185 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2014YNNN0.06159 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2015YNNN0.06780 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2016YNNN0.061052 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2017YNNN0.06528 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2018YNNN0.0622 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2019YNNN0.06986 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
2020YNNN0.06384 (Metric Tons)0.2 (Metric Tons)YNN
  • Method #1: Used one of the waste quantity measurement methods specified in 98.463(a)(2)(i): direct mass measurements, direct volume measurements multiplied by waste stream density, mass balance procedures (difference between the mass of process inputs and the mass of process outputs), or the number of loads multiplied by the mass of waste per load based on the working capacity of the vehicle or container.
  • Method #2: Calculated the average waste disposal rate per Equation TT-2 and calculated the waste disposal quantities for historic years in which direct waste disposal measurements are not available using historical production data per Equation TT-3.
  • Method #3: Calculated an average annual bulk waste disposal quantity for historic years when waste quantity data as determined by other methods are available consecutively for the most recent disposal years (Equation TT-4a).
  • Method #4: Calculated an average annual bulk waste disposal quantity for historic years when waste quantity data as determined by other methods are available for sporadic (non-consecutive) years (Equation TT-4b).