Data Year


2942 US HWY 61
Latitude: 38° 06.60' N
Longitude: 90° 15.48' W
GHGRP Id: 1007563
FRS Id: 110052883894
NAICS Code: 327310
Total Facility Emissions in metric tons CO2 equivalent (mt CO2e) (AR4 GWPs, excluding Biogenic CO2) 2,982,720
Emissions by Gas in mt CO2e (AR4 GWPs)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 2,976,478
Methane (CH4) 2,186
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 4,056
Emissions by Source/Process in mt CO2e (AR4 GWPs, excluding Biogenic CO2)
Stationary Combustion 1,443
Cement Production 2,981,278*

*Some of the CO2 emissions from Cement Production may be from stationary fuel combustion, but are monitored by a CEMS and cannot be differentiated. CH4 and N2O emissions from stationary fuel combustion in each kiln are also included in the value displayed for Cement Production.
Information on Stationary Combustion
Types of Fuels Used Distillate Fuel Oil No. 2
Measurement Methods Used Mass Balance
Number of equipment groupings 1
Information on Cement Production
Number of kilns 1
Employs technologies to directly monitor some or all GHG emissions: Yes