Data Year

BP Whiting Business Unit

WHITING, IN, 46394
Latitude: 41° 40.22' N
Longitude: 87° 28.82' W
GHGRP Id: 1007339
FRS Id: 110000398338
NAICS Code: 324110
Clean Air Markets Division Business Database Id: 7699
Total Facility Emissions in metric tons CO2 equivalent (mt CO2e) (AR4 GWPs, excluding Biogenic CO2) 5,082,099
Emissions by Gas in mt CO2e (AR4 GWPs)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 5,057,760
Methane (CH4) 11,750
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 10,800
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) 1,789
Emissions by Source/Process in mt CO2e (AR4 GWPs, excluding Biogenic CO2)
Stationary Combustion 2,297,929
Electricity Generation 1,331,384
Hydrogen Production 0
Petroleum Refining 1,450,996
SF6 from Electrical Equipment 1,789
Information on Stationary Combustion
Types of Fuels Used Distillate Fuel Oil No. 2, Fuel Gas, Motor Gasoline, Natural Gas, Propane Gas
Measurement Methods Used Mass Balance
Number of equipment groupings 52
Information on Electricity Generation
Types of Fuels Used Natural Gas
Measurement Methods Used Mass Balance
Number of equipment groupings 2
Information on SF6 from Electrical Equipment
Nameplate Capacity of equipment at the beginning of the year, excluding hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear (pounds of Sulfur Hexafluoride) 18611
Miles of Transmission lines (carrying voltage above 35 kilovolts) 1.5
Miles of Distribution lines (carrying voltages at or below 35 kilovolts) 80
Facility Service State and Territory Indiana
Information on Petroleum Product Supply
Net GHG quantity (in MT CO2e) 58,664,235
Information on Petroleum Refining
Types of Units Catalytic Reforming Unit, Delayed Coking Unit, Sulfur Recovery Plant
Number of units 3