Data Year


2628 US 79 NORTH
Latitude: 32° 11.27' N
Longitude: 94° 15.71' W
GHGRP Id: 1006407
FRS Id: 110000502858
NAICS Code: 211130
Total Facility Emissions in metric tons CO2 equivalent (mt CO2e) (AR4 GWPs, excluding Biogenic CO2) 137,859
Emissions by Gas in mt CO2e (AR4 GWPs)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 131,266
Methane (CH4) 6,524
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 69
Emissions by Source/Process in mt CO2e (AR4 GWPs, excluding Biogenic CO2)
Stationary Combustion 122,138
Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 15,721
Information on Stationary Combustion
Types of Fuels Used Natural Gas
Measurement Methods Used Mass Balance
Number of equipment groupings 10
Information on Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems
Industry Segment(s) Onshore natural gas processing
Number of Compressors 27
Compressor Operating Hours 83,422
Volume of Gas Flowing from Acid Gas Removal Units (million actual cu. ft.) 67,628
Emissions from Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems, by Source (mt CO2e)
Flare Stacks 1,029
Acid Gas Removal Units 8,125
Blowdown Vent Stacks 622
Centrifugal Compressors 1,355
Reciprocating Compressors 2,427
Other Equipment Leaks 1,929
*** Limited to top six emitting sources
Information on Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid Supply
Net GHG quantity (in MT CO2e) 263,054