Data Year


1443 S 300 W
Latitude: 38° 38.01' N
Longitude: 87° 13.57' W
GHGRP Id: 1004640
FRS Id: 110041204265
NAICS Code: 311221
Total Facility Emissions in metric tons CO2 equivalent (mt CO2e) (AR4 GWPs, excluding Biogenic CO2) 243,881
Emissions by Gas in mt CO2e (AR4 GWPs)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 241,087
Methane (CH4) 2,639
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 155
Biogenic Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 5,535
Emissions by Source/Process in mt CO2e (AR4 GWPs, excluding Biogenic CO2)
Stationary Combustion 241,364
Industrial Wastewater Treatment 2,517
Information on Stationary Combustion
Types of Fuels Used Natural Gas, Other Biomass Gases
Measurement Methods Used Mass Balance
Number of equipment groupings 2
Combustion emissions include biogenic CO2 Y
Information on Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Type and Number of Anaerobic Processes 2 Anaerobic Reactor(s)
Type of facility Food processing
Information on Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Supply
Percent of captured CO2 stream that is biomass based 100
Industry Classification Other Producer
Supplier Type CO2 Capture